Third Generation Hunting Guides on the Eastern Shore of Maryland
Our story starts in 1942 when my grandfather, John Price Jr. started taking deer and goose hunters on a small farm in Kent County where he provided for his family.
Hunting was a way of life for him and his son, my father, John Price III. Hunting was not only a way to provide income but also food for the table. Over the years the business has evolved from hunting on one small homestead farm to seventeen properties totally thousands of acres in three counties; Kent, Queen Anne’s and Cecil.
The business is now run by the third generation who has been heavily involved in the hunting business for the past 50 years. Over the years this family owned business has obtained some of the best farms in the area for waterfowl and deer hunting. We have some of the best goose hunting on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and are very successful.

We hunt from pit blinds, stand up blinds on water and you will be fully guided with a team of seasoned guides; most of which are family who are committed to your successful hunt and that you are a return customer!
We started quality deer management 20 years ago with our largest deer scoring 189. We have a very flourishing deer herd in all the counties. We hunt from metal ladder stands and lock-ons. Deer stands are placed in strategic spots where deer travel or edges of bedding areas and food plots and pinch points. All stands are checked yearly to assure safety.